DTD Strike again in Dakn, what does this mean for the rest of the Plush World?
The DTD have attacked Dakn on the 8th December 2024, 17:12 Local time.
The DTD, a terrorist organisation based in Ceanslandsga, have attacked the capital yet again in a bombing incident. It is currently believed by investigators to be a car bombing incident, involving a Peugeot 408 and the suspect, Zafir Al-Nahyan.
The DTD have confirmed to take responsibility, from a speech with the leader of the organisation. The motive is believed to circulate the reason they started the civil war, which was to gain recognition from the PW and the government of Ceanslandsga.
Currently, the death toll is estimated to be around 13, however there are still many areas of rubble that have yet to been searched by the search and rescue team helping to restore the state of the city after the tragedy. Due to the severity of the attack, the repair could cost almost up to 25.2M RLT (Riyalats).
What does this mean for the rest of the PW?
The surrounding countries have ever since been much more cautious in border control and airports with Ceanslandsgan Locals. Luma - which already have had history against DTD - have closed the border between Ceanslandsga and Luma, as decided by the president, Saffi Uouffa.
The surrounding countries have kept their borders open, but have ever since flooded it with armed police, and even military personnel in Lipvir Tokav.
Ever since the political unrest in Ceanslandsga started, many countries have secured their borders between the country, but ever since the most recent attack, the borders have only become more secure, preventing any attacks from the DTD outside of Ceanslandsga.
Some countries are offering to help aid for the country after the attacks, for example, Liscotand is offering to cover most of the costs for the destroyed buildings and more.
There have been many displaced citizens due to the bombing. It is estimated that almost 15,000 have lost their homes and are being forced to seek refuge in neighbouring countries, however some countries are setting up refugee camps for the ones who have suffered due to the attack.
As the situation continues to unfold, more Ceanslandsgans are immigrating to the neighbouring countries, whether its legally or illegally. Their republican neighbours look at this as trouble, due to rising crime rate in countries such as Liscotand, who have suffered many shootings, likely to be DTD related, or Mus.
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